International Conference on the History of Chemistry (10th ICHC)

09/09/2015 a 12/09/2015 Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro Isabel Malaquias - Grupo de História da Química

The Working Party (WP) on History of Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) will hold its biannual International Conference on the History of Chemistry (10th ICHC) in Aveiro, Portugal, from 9 to 12 September 2015.

The 10th ICHC will focus on the theme “Chemical Biography in the 21st Century”. The general aim of the conferences organised by the WP is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists and historians of chemistry from all over Europe. Previous conferences organised by the WP were held in Lisbon 2005 (Chemistry, Technology and Society), Leuven 2007 (Neighbours and Territories: The Evolving Identity of Chemistry), Sopron 2009 (Consumers and Experts: The Uses of Chemistry and Alchemy), Rostock 2011 (Pathways of Knowledge) and Uppsala 2013 (Chemistry in Material Culture).

A medium sized conference, the ICHC usually draws around a hundred participants, mostly from Europe, the US and Asia. The high standard of papers is guaranteed by an international scientific committee of prominent scholars in the field of history of chemistry. At the present, this group is chaired by Peter Morris, Keeper of Research Projects at the Science Museum, London. The group consists of Gisela Boeck (Germany), Gabor Pallo (Hungary), Ernst Homburg (Netherlands), Laurence Lestel (France), Antonio Garcia Belmar (Spain), Elena Zaitseva (Russia), Marco Beretta (Italy), Brigitte van Tiggelen (Belgium), Annette Lykknes (Norway), Hjalmar Fors (Sweden) and Soňa Štrbánová (Czech Republic), as well as the Portuguese representatives Ana Carneiro and Isabel Malaquias.

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Publicado/editado: 17/12/2014