27th Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics

20/07/2025 a 25/07/2025 Porto

We would like to cordially invite you to join us at the 27th Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT2025) that will be held in Porto, Portugal, from July 20 to 25th, 2025. This edition will take place in the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto.

The main aim of this conference is to gather academic and industrial researchers working on Chemical thermodynamics to find synergies between both worlds and exchange points of view about the state of the art in the development of Chemical thermodynamics 

The registration fee covers conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches, and the social program, which encompasses a Local Tour and a partial support for the conference dinner.

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the conference, and we are accepting abstract submissions for both oral presentations and posters. The deadline to register and submit abstracts is February 28th, 2025. You will be notified of the acceptance of your submission by april 15th, 2025.

mais informações

Publicado/editado: 04/11/2024