O período encerra a 31 de Janeiro de 2010.
http://www.efmc.info/content.php?langue=english&cle_menus=1176113964" target="_blank">The Nauta Award for Pharmacochemistry
For the advancement of Medicinal Chemistry and the development of international organizational structures in Medicinal Chemistry. The Award will be given for oustanding achievements in the field of Medicinal Chemistry.
http://www.efmc.info/content.php?langue=english&cle_menus=1176114008" target="_blank">The UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry
To acknowledge and recognize outstanding research in the field of Medicinal Chemistry in its broadest sense by a young scientist. This Award has been established with the support of UCB Pharma.
http://www.efmc.info/content.php?langue=english&cle_menus=1176114017" target="_blank">The Prous Institute - Overton and Meyer Award for New Technologies in Drug Discovery
To encourage innovation and investigation in technologies related to drug discovery. This Award established with the support of Prous institute will be given for the discovery, evaluation or use of new technologies.
Nominations for these Awards consist of a nomination letter, a brief CV, including a list of selected publications and two supporting letters. The nominations should be submitted to the Chairman of the Juries, Professor Gerhard Ecker, President of EFMC, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Wien, Austria. fax: +43 1 4277 9551 e-mail: awards@efmc.info
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